Marine Deals occasionally puts up items for sale that are considered seconds, shop-marked or otherwise 'used' products.

You can find them over here -

We also occasionally put items up on our Trademe account -

Depending on the condition of the product - we will note one of several 'states' the warranty and return process as follows:


The packaging on this product has been damaged, but the product itself is considered 'as new' - they carry the normal manufacturer's warranty, right of return etc.


We have items that either require minor repairs, have received cosmetic damage or have other clear, non-critical issues. They may have previously been used by customers but have been assessed by ourselves or suppliers before sale.

These are sold 'as is' - and damage, issues, and marks will be noted on the sales docket. These items carry a limited 90-day warranty. If the product has unnoted faults, it may be returned for a refund on the original sale price. No exchanges or repairs of products will be undertaken.

As these are quick sale, limited offer products, there is no right of return for 'changing your mind'.


These items are clearly broken and are being sold for parts or 'scrap'. There is no warranty or right of return on these items.