We have an easy returns process. Just follow these steps:
1) Place the item back into its original packaging.
2) Fill out the Return Request form.
3) We'll assess your request and send you an email with instructions on returning the item to us.
If the original packaging is unavailable (i.e. torn or thrown away), please carefully pack the item you want to return, making sure the item gets to us in the same condition. If it can be packed the way it was packed when you received it (using the same size box), then that would be appreciated.
Products without the original packaging, in a resaleable condition, can't be returned for exchange (size) or change of mind.
Please don't just send your items back without any paperwork. As the company has grown, we have hundreds and hundreds of packages coming and going out each day - so items that have no information on them prove to be a major challenge. We want to be able to sort your concern quickly - so following the process and loading a return will immensely speed up your solution. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Please note: the returns process usually takes 7-14 days upon receipt of the item.