Much like a motor vehicle, any machine or equipment you use regularly will require periodic inspection and potential maintenance to ensure it functions properly. 

This inspection and maintenance will involve cleaning and inspecting the equipment for any signs of wear or damage, such as cracks, corrosion, or worn bearings. If any issues are detected, they should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage or failure of the equipment.

Failure to do so can damage the product, causing downtime and loss of use of the equipment. In addition, most warranties stipulate regular inspection and maintenance, and the consumer guarantees act also stipulates that items must be used and maintained per the supplier's recommendations. 

Even equipment considered 'low or no maintenance' still requires regular inspection to ensure no unexpected fault or product damage has occurred. This routine inspection will avoid compounding damage to the rest of your setup.

If the equipment is used in a marine or industrial setting, it will be subjected to harsh environments that will cause it to deteriorate (corrosion being a significant factor) more quickly. Regular maintenance and inspection are essential to ensure the equipment remains in good working condition.

It is best to consult the manufacturer's instructions or seek the advice of a qualified technician. They can advise you on the appropriate maintenance schedule and procedures based on your situation. For a general guideline, we would suggest the minimum:

  • Wash down and device subjected to salt water immediately after use.
  • Inspect the unit for damage before each use.
  • Inspect the unit for wear and tear, apply appropriate lubrication and check for potential gasket/seal damage every six months.
  • Have the unit serviced by a qualified technician every year.